It’s been just four weeks since we returned from the GamesBeat Summit in Los Angeles, where we had the chance to catch up with old friends, make some new ones, and hear some great sessions, and we are already gearing up for another foray to the sunshine state! Learn more about our plans for AWE this June 1 through the 3rd in Santa Clara and some exciting IP and community updates and news, all in our latest blog!

AWE and the Auggie Awards
We are over the moon about attending AWE this June 1 - 3 in sunny Santa Clara, California! Not just for the always-welcome opportunity to connect with friends and partners but also because our favourite sashay-inspiring studio has made it to the final judging round in the Auggie Awards!
Thanks to the troupe of amazing VR dancers, Kinemotik Studios–creators of award-winning Audio Trip–have made past the voting round and into the finals in the category of Best Indie Creators.

About the Auggie Awards from their website:
The annual Auggie Awards have been the most recognized AR & VR industry awards in the world since 2010. Now in its 13th year, the Auggies continue to showcase the best of the best in augmented, virtual and mixed reality. Winners will be presented with a prestigious Auggie Award at the Auggie Awards Ceremony, taking place this year on June 2nd at the AWE USA 2022 event in Santa Clara, California.
Are you going to be at AWE? Let us know! We’d love to connect. To buy tickets or learn more, visit the AWE website.

Audio Trip and Andromeda NYX Awards
If you have been keeping up with these blogs, you know about our recent exciting placements in the NYX Game Awards, which we talked about last month in our Q1 update blog. Well, our trophies arrived, and we would love to share them with you!
We are humbled and honoured to have won the NYX Silver award in the category of Best Publisher and are so proud of the Audio Trip team for bringing home the NYX Gold award in the category of Best Indie Developer!

Audio Trip Launches for YVR Play for Dream
Welcome to the troupe, YVR! We are excited to announce that Audio Trip has launched on another global platform, YVR Play for Dream. This new partnership has been fantastic and fun for both the Andromeda and Audio Trip teams, leaving excited to see what the future holds. See you on the dancefloor, new Trippers!
Those are all the updates I have for you, but don’t exit stage left just yet. This month we decided to shake it up with a community corner spotlight blog from Anromeda's community director.
Virtually yours,
Ashley “ashleyriott” BlakeSenior Director of Marketing |

Community Corner
Here is a fun fact: did you know that there is not one, not two, but three Ashleys on the Andromeda Entertainment team? Today’s Community Corner is brought to you by one of those Ashleys. Hi there! I’m Ashley “Vause” Foo, and I am here to serve you fresh new updates from our community & social front!

Quest 2 Giveaway
Last month, our flow-focused game, Audio Trip, hosted a giveaway on their social media. The prize? A juicy 256GB Oculus Quest 2! We received more than 1,800 entries, but only one emerged as the victor. Congratulations to Eric L. on winning the Oculus Quest 2! Your prize is on the way to you, and we would LOVE to hear what virtual reality experience you will explore on your brand-new headset!
On behalf of the team, thank you to everyone who participated. If you did not manage to win this time, there are still plenty of giveaways that will come in the future, so stay tuned to our social media to be the first to get a whiff of the next one!

ATCD Choreography Contest
The troupe over at Audio Trip Choreography Discord organized a community competition for the rookies and the pros. The rookies get to compete in a league of their own without having to worry about going toe to toe against the veterans while the pros get to show off their full range of choreography skills to bring us the best dance moves out there!
Not only that but every song used in the competition was submitted by a community member! We are overwhelmed and deeply humbled at these artists being willing to share their work with the community; thank you so much.
The competition concluded on May 22nd, 2022, and we cannot wait to play all of your creations and announce the winners soon!

This deserves the spotlight
To wrap up, I’d love to share some awesome stuff we’ve received recently from our fantastic Tripper troupe! We absolutely love seeing all your creations and pictures of you in your Audio Trip merch, so please continue to get our attention with those by tagging the game or sending them directly my way. Who knows, maybe you’ll be featured here next!

We LOVE to see Trippers sporting their Audio Drip swag and no one does it better than FitProVR! This fitness fanatic knows the importance of taking rest days and knows how to take them in style with their Audio Trip pillow. Did you know the Audio Trip merch store is stocked full of sweet swag like this? Well, now you do.

@KristianGabVR & @154_julix (both are on Twitter) also joined forces to spread the Audio Trip love on Discord through this incredible 3D print and paintwork! Imagine holding the actual gems in your hands. Oh wait, you don’t need to imagine it anymore now that it is a reality.
We get happy feet when we see the things our trippers come up with so please continue to share them! We’d love for this to become a recurring feature in these blogs.
Ashley “Vause” Foo
Director of Social & Community Strategy |
Links mentioned in this blog
(n.d.). Where XR Business Thrives. Retrieved May, 2022, from
AWE - Auggie Awards Finalists at AWE USA 2022 by Sam Sprigg. (2022, May 17). Augmented World Expo. Retrieved May, 2022, from
Blake, A. (2022, 04 07). Andromeda Entertainment Q1 2022 Update. Andromeda Entertainment. Retrieved May, 2022, from
FitProVR. (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved May, 2022, from
NYX Game Awards. (n.d.). Winner Info Andromeda Entertainment. Retrieved May, 2022, from
NYX Game Awards. (n.d.). Winner Info Kinemotik Studios. Retrieved May, 2022, from
Teespring. (n.d.). Kinemotik Studios' Merch Store. Retrieved May, 2022, from